Thursday, August 27, 2015

Westeros Houses

House Stark

Leader: Lord Eddard Stark, Lord Paramount of the North, Warden of the North, Hand of the King
Sigil: Grey Direwolf on a field of White
Words: "Winter is Coming"

House Baratheon

Leader: King Robert Baratheon, King of the Andels, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm
Sigil: Crowned Black Stag on a field of yellow
Words: "Ours is the Fury"

House Lannister

Leader: Lord Tywin Lannister, Warden of the West, Former Hand of the King
Sigil: Golden Lion on a field of Crimson
Words: "Here Me Roar!"

House Targaryan

Leader: Prince Viserys Targaryan
Sigil: Red Three-Headed Dragon on a field of Black
Words: "Fire and Blood"

House Tully

Leader: Lord Hoster Tully, Lord Paramount of the Riverlands
Sigil: A Silver Trout on a Blue and Red Striped Field
Words: "Family, Duty, Honor"

House Arryn

Leader: Lord Robert Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Warden of the East
Sigil: White Moon and Falcon on a field of Sky-Blue
Words: "As High As Honor"

House Tyrell

Leader: Lord Mace Tyrell, Warden of the South
Sigil: Golden Rose on a field of Green
Words: "Growing Strong"

House Martell

Leader: Prince Doran Martell
Sigil: A Read Sun Pierced by a Golden Spear on a field of Orange
Words: "Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken"

House Greyjoy

Leader: Lord Balon Greyjoy
Sigil: Yellow Kraken on a field of Black
Words: "We Do Not Sow"

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